Best Google Adwords Headlines
Posted by Marty Dickinson on Jul 14, 2008
I was splitting up search phrase results and adding a whole slew of Google Adword campaigns to promote my latest site On Friday, July 11th at about 2pm, I got this crazy idea to create a free mini-manual for people who are working for companies in financial strife and fearing the economic henchmen.
I just started writing. By 6pm, I had 14 pages of what became Laugh at Layoffs. When it came time for me to run some Google Adwords to the page, I needed a bit more inspiration. So, I searched around and arrived on a site that gave me the neatest little rundown of Adwords tips that I’ve seen lately. And, I was able to craft over a dozen headlines and completely different Google Adwords headlines and ads within about 5 minutes of reading the article.
Now, this post has been out there for a while, but the content is still relevant for sure. I’m a little skeptical about one thing that was mentioned where the author said something about using any verbiage you can and that it doesn’t matter what you say in your ad to get attention, but if you read these tips for the broader picture, it’s right on!
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