Why Do I Have Insomnia?
Posted by Marty Dickinson on Jan 21, 2014
If you were up half the night last night, tossing and turning in bed, finally exiling yourself to your Siberia living room to watch endless hours of worthless early morning t.v., here’s a website you will want to know about. Checkout this independent study about 5 causes of insomnia among its participants. A link to the entire sleep study is available on the page too.
Why am I featuring this website on Website Waves? For three main reasons:
- Sleep is hot news – Seems like there is a news report every day about sleep. A lot of people must be having a hard time sleeping these days.
- SleepEasily.com is a website to watch – A boatload of time is being put into getting presence of this site onto social media and Google serps.
- It’s in our network of websites – We are personally evangelizing this product and doing whatever we can to get it into the hands of every adult in the world!
Plus, we engineered the affiliate program and the payouts are very generous! Keep tabs on this one. It’s starting out from ground zero but in the next six weeks or so it will have national attention.
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