What to Post on Facebook
Posted by Marty Dickinson on Aug 1, 2010
People are always asking me what to post on Facebook. I believe what we should be considering here is what should we post on Facebook that will build rapport with people. That’s really your main objective with Facebook in the first place, right? Next time you are struggling with what to post on Facebook, choose from this list. If you have an addition please add a comment and I will feature it in the main list.
Things to post on facebook…in no particular order of importance or success rate for accomplishing anything:
- Start a “Question of the Day†post
- Promise something special
- Post a video on someone else’s wall
- Give a case study
- Use humor
- Picture with nearly every post
- Acknowledge someone as having done a good job or achievement
- That you are available for questions in your industry
- Something you hear in the news about your industry
- Something you hear in the news about being a better parent, sibling, spouse
- New book you’ve heard about
- New website you heard just launched
- New fan page you’ve added
- New fan page someone else has added
- Video of your favorite band
- iPhone app you’ve discovered
- Tip on how to use facebook better
- Tip on how to setup your facebook profile better
- Tip on how to setup your fan page better
- New facebook api you just discovered
- Something humorous, but be careful with this one
- Entertaining picture
- Link to an ebook or whitepaper you recommend
- Link to a coupon you’ve used
- Opinion on a celebrity happening
- Discussion of hot topic (like swine flue spreading)
- Deaths and condolences
- Something involving your family that’s worth celebrating and sharing
- Great movie and how it influenced you
- Something that happened to your favorite sports team or player
- Health care industry issues
- Health advice, particularly with a health issue you had and how you fixed it
- Changes to facebook but use FB when talking about it
- Something about Twitter
- Good video of something inspiring
- How-to steps about anything
- Substantial news about you…like you’re getting married
- Your latest blog post (This could be automated by the way)
- Participation on a forum or linkedin
- #1 something of the day…I’m going to start featuring the #1 searched phrase on Google for a 24 hour period for example
- New client that starts doing business with you
- A new WordPress plugin you’ve been working with
- New Internet marketing tool you just tried
- Tribute to a veteran
- Dead relative’s birthday and what they accomplished in their life
- Scam you’ve come across that’s worth of reporting
- Virus or phishing worm that comes in by email where you can share the title so people don’t open it
- Ask a question about anything you don’t know
- Food you just tried
- Food you just learned how to make
- Restaurant you just visited for the first time
- Link to a surprising story or experience you posted in more detail on your blog
- Announce your own new book is available
- Notice that you’re back from a vacation or trip and that you have pics to share
- Announce your upcoming workshop, webinar, tele-conference
- Share that you’ve just been asked to speak and add the name of the place for some name recognition
- Accomplishment you made today
- A cause you believe in strongly and how you’re helping
- A challenge you’re having today
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