Ultimate Blog Setup Packages is Here!
Posted by Marty Dickinson on Jan 28, 2009
HereNextYear formally announces its Ultimate Blog Setup Package.
“We’ve long recognized that 90% of all business owners really don’t need a traditional Web site (traditional meaning individual HTML pages built with Dreamweaver or other HTML editors or coding). They just need a good custom blog setup. Our answer is the Ultimate Blog Setup Package,” says president Marty Dickinson.
The package will include custom design, setup, and administration of 23 key plugins (little add-on programs that bring additional functionality to the blogs).
Training by phone and ongoing support throughout this annually renewed program is considered an extreme rarity in this industry. Dickinson comments, “The main reason why so many blogs are unsuccessful is due to lack of training and having someone to go to when you need answers about blogging.”
HereNextYear expects to install more than 20 blogs per month over the coming year suggesting that the content management software used for the Blog is so easy to use that anyone with the ability to use Microsoft word can use blog software.
Checkout all the details at the HereNextYear
Ultimate Blog Setup details page.
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