Problems Sending Email?
Posted by Marty Dickinson on Mar 8, 2011
I’m pretty sure the most complex function on the Internet is the process of sending email. It seems like such a simple thing. But, if you’re experiencing problems sending email, you know first-hand how all of a sudden this seemingly easy function can become extremely difficult to handle. I’m no email expert, but I’ve certainly had my share of problems sending email. And, that’s where the problem always seems to be…in the “sending” of the email rather than the receiving side of things.
If you’ve proven emails you send are not getting to their recipient, try these 3 steps to make sure your bases are covered.
1. Setup reverse DNS on the IP your domain name runs off of. Don’t worry, I don’t have much of a clue what this means either. Just call your hosting company and have them check on if this has been done.
2. Set the SPF record. On my server, I would login to my WHM account to change the setting.
3. Make sure you’re not on any blacklists by performing a quick (and free) blacklist search.
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