How to Display Your Own Ads on Your Websites Network with OpenX
Posted by Marty Dickinson on Mar 31, 2010
In my family of full-time Internet marketers, there seems to be a hot trend to make as many websites as we can and build traffic from those sites in order to feed our main sites. But, how exactly does one manage the “feeding” part?
About a year ago, I looked at a free product called OpenX. Last week I heard about it again and all day today I’ve been playing around with getting it installed. Essentially I can create an image add (or video or text among others) and then have that ad automatically display to any website I add the code to. I can have multiple ads rotating out on hundreds or even thousands of websites…promoting my own products and services.
Here’s how it works:
1. I had to install the software to my web hosting account. Visit to get the free download files or just contact your hosting company to see if it’s already installed on your server.
2. Watch the video on the website to get a quick tutorial and then setup your campaign and sites so that ads will display.
3. Copy and paste the code provided by OpenX to your website. In my case it was (openx:1) and here’s what displays within this post:
4. Add the code to your sidebar. OpenX made a free plug-in for WordPress so you can just download that and add it to your sidebar as a widget and you’re good to go!
5. Create more ads and add them to your OpenX campaign. You can have as many ads rotating as you’d like!
6. Watch your visitation stats and click-through’s from within your OpenX account. You can even assign CPM and CPC prices
7. Take it all to the next level and open up your websites for others to post to and have them pay you for the traffic you’re bringing to them. I’ll get there…but, for right now, I’m just building these out on my other sites.
Give OpenX a try. It’s free and it’s probably already loaded on your web server. Just ask support how to implement it. Maybe I’ll do a setup video on it once I’ve figured it out myself
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