
Custom Copper Weathervane Website Review

Posted by Marty Dickinson on May 12, 2007

www.LakesideOrnamental.com is a website that offers rare custum copper weathervanes, finials, fountains, and general ironwork. My review is as follows based on the 5-Star system:

Visual – Original look. I like how the fish weathervane image is coming out of the picture kind of like it’s jumping out of the water. Good use of “upper right quadrant” (URQ) focusing on getting people to just immediately use the drop-down to see samples or just call or send a quote request. Good photos, thumbnails on summary pages and individual large photos to see details. Some choppy parts in the design, like some of the borders don’t meet at the bottom. Some inconsistent css text needs to be improved a bit. But, I’ll give 3.5 stars for this component.

Total rating 3.5 Stars.

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Usability – Good use of left column but once someone gets past that part of the page, it’s not entirely clear what the user should do next. I suggest highlighting a faster way to get the visitor right to the photos. 3 stars for usability.

Salesability – Am I compelled to take action? If I was in the market for a weathervane, sure. I’ll give this area 4 stars.

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