Best Free Web-Based PDF Converter
Posted by Marty Dickinson on Nov 19, 2014
Here’s a link to the best web-based PDF converter I’ve found yet. If you have Adobe Acrobat Full Version, which you probably do have if you own the Adobe Creative Suite or other Adobe packages, you won’t need the converter.
However, I’ve found myself doing more work on my laptop lately and sometimes I need to turn that doc into a PDF. It’s actually faster to go to this website and convert my document to PDF for free than it is to email the document to myself, open the document on my other computer that has Acrobat full version, and then print to PDF.
So far, no strings attached with this PDF Converter. If I convert my document to PDF and then realize I need to make a change in the original document, and try to convert to PDF again, the tool will tell me I have to wait 25 minutes to do so or upgrade to the pro version. But, I can live with that.
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